Handpan Blog

Handpan Care in the Australian Climate: A Guide for Handpan Enthusiasts

Handpan Care in the Australian Climate: A Guide...

As a handpan enthusiast in Australia, it's crucial to understand the unique challenges posed by our diverse climate and take appropriate measures to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of...

Handpan Care in the Australian Climate: A Guide...

As a handpan enthusiast in Australia, it's crucial to understand the unique challenges posed by our diverse climate and take appropriate measures to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of...

Handpan Tutorials - How To Play The Handpan - NovaPans Australia

Handpan Tutorials - Learn To Play The Handpan

At NovaPans Australia we strongly believe in making playing the handpan accessible to everyone, and therefore we are happy to provide a variety of resources for anyone to learn to...

Handpan Tutorials - Learn To Play The Handpan

At NovaPans Australia we strongly believe in making playing the handpan accessible to everyone, and therefore we are happy to provide a variety of resources for anyone to learn to...

many handpans, arranged

Which Handpan is For Me?

Our range of handpans here at NovaPans Australia gives you choice to find the perfect handpan for you, no matter if you'd like an instrument with more sustain, more projection,...

Which Handpan is For Me?

Our range of handpans here at NovaPans Australia gives you choice to find the perfect handpan for you, no matter if you'd like an instrument with more sustain, more projection,...