Q: Why NovaPans Australia?

NovaPans is a UK handpan brand that has sold over 5,000 handpans since 2016.

At NovaPans Australia, we provide high quality handpans at affordable prices. NovaPans is dedicated to providing the handpan most suitable for your needs. We can customize to your preferences regarding scales, materials, and colors at the best price possible!

We are driven by the desire to make handpans more accessible here in Australia and New Zealand, and we will work with you to get you the perfect handpan for your needs.

Now 5,000+ strong, NovaPans Handpans has served and continues to serve the undying demand for affordable yet nonetheless high-quality handpans for all levels of playing.

No waiting lists. No inflated pricing. Just quality handpans built to your preference!

Trust your own ear, and listen to our many videos to hear our handpans for yourself!


Q: How much is shipping?

Shipping is FREE anywhere in Australia and New Zealand!

We ship our handpans to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Hobart and Darwin as well as any other location in Australia, or to Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton as well as any other location in New Zealand.

Q: What are the differences between your handpans?

  1. The all-round best handpan for price over quality, our Universal Handpans (Generation 4). 

We call them Universal because not only are they the most affordable, but they are the easiest to learn and play also. There is no exceptional technique needed to master a Gen 4 Handpan, the skill really comes in anything from a matter of minutes to a few hours.

  1. The best there is for projection and intonation, our Performance or "Virtuoso" Handpans (Generation 3). 

These beautiful creations were made specifically for large space performances whether that be busking out in town, or performing on stage. The Generation 3s boast projection and control of intonation when playing loud.

  1. Essential for meditation and stress-relief, The Sound Healing Handpan (Generation 7).

The Gen 7s are notorious for their sound healing properties with their unearthly sustain and gorgeous sheen (thanks to them being made out of stainless steel). With the quality of sound you get on one of these Sound Healing Handpans, it makes you question the true value of a top quality handpan.

The Generation number is no reference to anything other than the order in which the handpan model was introduced to the store.

Q: Can I get my handpan in a Custom Scale, or with extra notes?

Yes! We can build your handpan in any scale you like and with even more notes than our 13 note models if you so desire, just contact us and we can provide you with a quote.

At NovaPans Australia we are proud to offer the customization options that come with ordering at a boutique builder - without the high cost and long wait time!

Q: Where are your handpans made?

All of NovaPans Handpans are hand-tuned and quality-checked by professionals from Europe and the USA who are situated in China.

Q: How soon can I get my order?

For Standard shipping expect to receive your handpan approximately 2-3 weeks after placing your order.

For Pre-Orders it can take from 3-4 weeks for our 9 and 10 note models and 4-5 weeks for our 13 note models.

Q: What is your return policy?

We offer a full refund guarantee on all orders for 30 days after you receive your handpan!

See our refund policy for more info.

Q: How should I maintain my handpan?

You should wipe down your handpan with isopropyl alcohol and a microfibre cloth occasionally, and ideally each time after playing.

You should also regularly apply oil to your handpan, especially the Nitrided Steel models, to prevent rust. We personally recommend using Phoenix oil but if you don’t have any available there are alternatives. You don't need much, less is more! 

Make sure your handpan is stored in a cool and dry environment, moisture and metal don’t mix well. Ideally you should store your handpan in its case.  

Read our article about taking care of your handpan in the Australian climate to get more insights on some natural hazards to watch out for to ensure the longevity of your pan! 

Q: Why does my AusPost tracking number not show up in the system?

It usually takes 2-5 days after we ship your handpan for the tracking number to appear in the Australia Post system. If your tracking number has not appeared in the system please be patient and try again at a later date. 

Q: Do you have a referral program?

Yes! We have a referral program for our customers. Please inquire for more information. 

Q: Where is the best place to keep my handpan when it's not being played?

Always in its bag but somewhere which is at room temperature, not too humid or dry. 

Never leave your handpan face down so that when you do place your handpan down, its notes are facing upwards. The downwards pressure on the handpan's most precious assets, its notes, can eventually cause the notes to go out of tune so ensure that you know which way your handpan is facing when left alone always. If you treat your handpan with love, it'll be bound to remain in tune for years to come.

Q: Will heat or cold cause my Handpan to go out of tune?

Leaving your handpan out in the sun or not necessarily cold, but water, will undoubtedly lead to the destabilization of the metal or the surface quality of your handpan.

It is advised, that although it is possible to play outdoor in the Sun or under a waterfall, that you immediately take good care of returning your handpan to room temperature with or without added appliances such as what some handpan artists call, handpan 'frog lube' for preserving the surface quality of your handpan.